Wednesday, October 16, 2013

(Doesn't That) Blow Your Mind

I finally uploaded my song, "(Doesn't That) Blow Your Mind" to YouTube. Hadn't done much in terms of uploading my songs to YouTube lately because of the difficulty in trying to make videos that would complement the songs. I don't have the equipment or any willing volunteers nor do I want to 'borrow' other people's photos and videos out there due to copyright issues. So I finally decided on just making the video a still photo of the forthcoming album.

Even though "Blow Your Mind" has been out there on my tumblr and perhaps Soundcloud, I don't really consider it 'out there' until it's on YouTube. Additionally this is a great way to release a single to promote the album.due soon. (I'm not sure if they still put out singles before albums nowadays. I don't really follow the industry and I don't buy much new music. I do know that back in the 1960's and 70's they would sometimes put out singles before the albums they appeared on and other times they would release albums first then put out singles from the album. I never understood the latter because if you had the album you wouldn't need to get the singles. But I digress...)

I guess we'll have to go back to the days before music videos where you would listen to music and come up with your own imagery. So listen to the song and use your imagination:

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