Sunday, April 17, 2016

Some Bruce Wisdom & Back To Recording

I've taken a bit of an interest in Bruce Springsteen and his music as of late. It all began with hearing one of his newer songs, "Wrecking Ball," on a local public radio station. Though it's from 2012 I never heard it before. I was immediately impressed with the song as I caught the song just before the part where he sings, "Hard times come, hard times go," over and over again. That part was followed by an anthemic chanting set to a very fast tempo and the song ended in this fashion. I checked out  the song in its entirety on YouTube and I also watched some of the live versions. Absolutely great song!

After that I starting checking out some of his older music and was doing some reading up on his career, songs and album. Today I watch an unauthorized biography on him and in spite of all the interesting history and detail of his pre-career and fame, there was one moment that I took away the most from. He was asked if there were any regrets and his answer was that he regretted not releasing more albums. He was so much of a perfectionist that it took so much time to record and release everything to his liking. As a result there were a lot of years where nothing was released. The reason I took so much from that is because I can fully relate to those sentiments. Needless to say, I am no Bruce Springsteen nor do I have a catalog of music anywhere near his, but I realize that my own sense of the need for musical perfection has led to a regret of not making and releasing more than I have up to this point. I know that it's a lot harder for me since I work alone and I face some unique challenges that he did not. But I should have done more. And that is why I have decided I'm releasing another album this year.

At the moment I'm nowhere near being close to having an album ready. But there's time, hopefully, and I am glad to say that I have started working on my first new song of the year. I have begun the recording process and I'm trying to get the hardest part done first--the main vocal. This is another one of my Bee Gees-inspired songs as was "Call On Me" from the Milestone album. I'm going to try to get this one completely recorded within a few weeks. The working title for this song is "If I Told You."