Monday, November 23, 2020

Holiday Music Plans For 2020

 It's the holiday season and in terms of having new holiday music ready for this time, I have learned my lesson. Well, not really. Neither is it officially the holiday season--though to me it is because it really starts to feel like it even before Thanksgiving--nor have I learned my lesson in terms of releasing new holiday music. Can I just add that the holiday season to me starts with Halloween? There's no denying that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's are all very much related with some fascinating parallels in the subject matter of endings and new beginnings. The last quarter of the year really is my favorite time. 

Anyway, I am working on new holiday music. Considering my history of timing I'd say I'm pretty early. But I cannot guarantee I'll have anything new. I will try, however. The good thing is that I have plenty of time to keep 'promoting' last year's tune, "You Know It's Christmas Time." That was another late release--December 11 to be precise. Traditionally, holiday albums are released in October though I don't know who buys them that early. I have to admit that I'm not quite in a Christmassy mood pre-Halloween. And nobody plays it that early either. started playing holiday music before Thanksgiving this year and I'm grateful to hear the wonderful, diverse variety you can find there which includes my very own songs.

I have no problem with recording and releasing an electronic tune. "You Know It's Christmas Time" was virtually such a recording with the exception being a real guitar track and my vocal. While I was able to get the music tracks down rather quickly, it was the vocal that held the release up. But one thing I didn't know was that as a result of releasing that song through CD Baby as a "Pro Single," I was granted a free membership into ASCAP. That was cool. 

Another song I have nearly ready for release is "Christmas In The City (reprise)". The problem is I don't have the non-reprise version of the song anywhere near completely written! The reprise version is a 6-minute track featuring a repeating 4-part harmony of "Christmas in the city, lookin' so pretty" trading off with instrumental solos. It was just meant to be a fun, 70s funk inspired song. But I need the main song it's based off with a lot more lyrics than that. Have you ever heard of a reprise being released without the song it was based on?

So that's something I can work on. I also wanted to do a minor key version of "Jingle Bells." That may be something I could do quick if my vocals don't fail me too much. But I'd prefer doing something original. 

As I write this I have a working demo song titled "A Winter's Day" playing in the background. I like its mellow sound and feel but I've been stuck on writing for a few years. And it's another 4 part harmony song so it surely would take me quite some time to finish up a recording.

So there's lots to do. I will be seriously thrilled if I can just have a new recording released in time for Christmas. It's just about 4 weeks away so there really is no time to waste. Wish me luck.

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